Celebrating Environmental Excellence!

World Environment Day 2024

Celebrating Environmental Excellence!

World Environment Day 2024: On June 3rd, 2024, SHIS proudly participated in a grand felicitation ceremony hosted by Panasonic India at Hotel Le Meridian in honor of World Environment Day.

This prestigious event recognized the green ambassadors of the Panasonic Harit Umang Olympiad 2024, with distinguished guests Mr. Ved Prakash Mishra, Director of the Ministry of Environmental and Climate Change, Dr. Ashish Chaturvedi Head – Environment, Energy and Resilience at UNDP in India.

Our school was awarded the Second Runners-up Trophy, a testament to our unwavering commitment to environmental consciousness and leadership.

The remarkable achievements not only underscore our dedication to nurturing environmental awareness but also emphasize our role in cultivating future leaders in sustainability. The outstanding contributions of our students reaffirm our pride in their achievements and promise a greener and more sustainable future.

Here’s to a greener tomorrow, led by the bright minds of tomorrow

Posted By admin in News, on June 5, 2024



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