Inter Clan Modern Foreign Languages Poem Recitation Competition


Inter Clan Modern Foreign Languages Poem Recitation Competition

The Inter Clan Poem Recitation competition for Grade 9 and 10 students was organized by the MFL Department. It is truly said that poetry doesn’t only enhance speaking skills but it also enhances listening skills, especially in the target language. Recitation is one of the important and effective modes of learning a language and appreciating a piece of literature. Taking all these facts into consideration the children got an opportunity to exhibit their talent and confidence. The competition inspired the children to come forward and recite on stage. The children came up with different poems and recited them with great zeal and enthusiasm. It also helped children to develop correct respective foreign usage along with building up self-confidence and more importantly the recitation skills involved in the competition.

Bravo and well done to all the Highlanders!!

Posted By admin in Happenings, News, on October 17, 2022



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