Navin & Ritu Joshi

feedback by parents

Navin & Ritu Joshi

Dear Ma’am

We want to express our thanks for making possible a fantastic PYP exhibition today. From the day go – Siya was very excited about this PYP. She was so much motivated that she utilized her playtime to prepare for this day.
With able guidance from Rita ma’am and her team members, they all managed to visualize the concept and how they plan to carry out the entire exhibition.
We both loved the confidence, clarity, and enthusiasm they showed during the exhibition. And we understand this would not be possible without the support provided by the class teacher.

Thank you very much to provide such experience which let kids innovate, explore, design and visualize end to end.

Best regards
Navin & Ritu Joshi
Parents of Siya Joshi (VA)

Posted By admin in Parent Feedback, on February 29, 2020



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