The Green Ambassadors of SHIS created a plastic monster, utilizing plastic waste, in order to not only give these wastes a new life but also to spread awareness about the critical issues that single-use plastic poses to our society. Students collected the plastic waste from our school cafeteria, their homes, societies, and nearby shops which included materials like plastic, nets, wires, headphones single used plastic bottles and packaging material, etc., From that waste they prepared a plastic monster, measuring 84’x53’ in size which depicted an enthralling and alluring interpretation of reutilizing plastic waste materials. Through this enriching experience, they are spreading environmental awareness and doing productive acts for society and the world at large by addressing SDG number 11 of ‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’. Furthermore, the Students were able to utilize their creativity and teamwork skills, making it an utterly memorable experience. The monster has been displayed at the school entrance for three days during the Art Exhibition and PTMs for Primary and Middle School warning everyone of the consequences posed by plastic to our ecosystem.
Posted By admin in News, on March 24, 2023On Sept 6, Dr. Neha Singh Maurya, HOD Counseling led a great session on writing effectiveLetters of Recommendation and predicting grades. She stressed the importance of beinghonest and accurate, and provided tips on structuring the letters, proofreading them, andmaking sure predicted grades truly reflect students’ abilities. A helpful guide to support ourstudents’ college applications!
An insightful session was held for the teachers of Scottish High on ”Safeguarding Classrooms” conducted by Pratisandhi Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to de-stigmatizing sexuality education and raising awareness to help teachers make informed decisions while nurturing student behavior. The session, led by Ms Anisha Hallan, an experienced sexuality educator, and Dr. Kaavya Sreedhar, a […]