Talk with Counsellor-Unit Test preparation

Talk with Counsellor-Unit Test preparation (1)

Talk with Counsellor-Unit Test preparation

Students are about to write their first unit test next week. Students were highlight that sometimes the pressure they feel can help keep them focused, other times it can cause stress. Stress can be a good opportunity to explore your strengths as an individual so they must not feel anxious due to approaching unit tests. They must realize the need of the hour and plan accordingly. They were suggested to have a planned schedule and have a good written practice. They must not hesitate in taking help from their teachers, parents and classmates.

Our highlanders expressed their views and asked their doubts confidently. They are free to approach the counselling team, if they need any further assistance related to the same.

Posted By admin in News, Workshops & Excursions, on May 14, 2022



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